Filed Under (Dyeing, Fibre and textile crafts, Knitting, Socks) by jennyk on 11-05-2010

I’ve been knitting socks while visiting my mother in hospital, and I continued while sitting with her after she went home, as I couldn’t do anything complicated.  I did the second sock of the blue pair (Opal yarn), and then I couldn’t resist starting on the yarn which I dyed at the workshop in February.  Both were knitted on 2.25mm Brittany dpns.  Here is a detail – click on the image to see the whole photo.

Filed Under (Ramblings) by jennyk on 03-05-2010

We were driving home from visiting my mother in hospital this afternoon when we noticed this cherry tree with an amazing carpet of petals beneath it. We just had to stop and get some photos.

As you can see in the first picture, there is still a lot of blossom left on the tree, so it seems surprising that there can be so much on the ground, but the flowers are double, so there are a lot of petals per blossom!