Filed Under (Dyeing, Weaving) by jennyk on 25-01-2004

Well, here are the results of a week’s dyeing:


The skeins in the middle row are the ones for the actual sample warps, along with some commercially dyed yarn (not shown). There are 153 skeins in all, ranging from 10 yds to 200 yds each. The yarns are a 6/2 weaving cotton and a 10/3 crochet cotton in white and various starting colours and a 5/2 unbleached weaving cotton.

I used a total of about 70 dye combinations, using Procion MX dyes and the ‘polythene bag’ method. For this, the skeins were dipped into a small amount of the dye mixture, not even enough to cover them, and squidged around to push the dye through the skein. The dye was then squeezed out and the skeins put into a polythene bag to sit for at least an hour before rinsing out and washing in the washing machine, then drying in a tumble drier. At first, we were putting the skeins into pillow cases and net lingerie bags for the washing and drying, but we found that we could put the loose skeins into the dryer without tangling problems, and that speeded up the drying.

The source pictures (cut from magazines) which I am using as inspiration are these purple flowers, which I think may be encased in ice, and this seascape. Originally, I was trying to use these leaves, with or without the rose, but as you can see, my attempts at subtle grey-greens kept turning out sludgy olives, so I turned back to the seascape. I’m more likely to base a real project on the purple flowers, though.

[You need to close the pop-up window between pictures, or it shows them all in the same size window, which crops some of them.]

DH’s sources (much brighter than mine) are these orange wallflowers(?) and purple tulips and this underwater scene.

Oh, I’ve just realised I haven’t mentioned that the tutor was Janet Phillips and it was her Colour in Fabrics workshop. I’ll post pics of the sample warps eventually.


Carolyn on 26 January, 2004 at 1:55 pm #

Holy Dyepots, Batman! that’s amazing! And so cool that your spouse joined you on this adventure!

Kate W on 26 January, 2004 at 3:23 pm #

Jenny, that’s a gorgeous set of skeins. Can’t wait to see the warp – or five – that you get from them!

spinjenny on 26 January, 2004 at 10:54 pm #

DH is a weaver too – he wove a scarf for his mother, and will weave something else real soon now. *g*

And Kate, I hope to get a couple of nice warps from it at least – maybe one for the small bag exchange – and the rest will come in useful one day.

Charleen on 27 January, 2004 at 11:23 pm #

What great results. I like that you added pictures of your inspiration, it helps me visualize your thought processes. Good luck with your weaving – although I would be happy to just arrange those gorgeous skeins and look at them!

spinjenny on 28 January, 2004 at 12:42 am #

Thanks, Charleen. That’s probably all I’ll do with them for a while. :-)